Kamis, 29 Mei 2008

Lowongan Kerja PT. Pertiwi alam Raya Properties

PT. Pertiwi alam Raya Properties
Alamat: Jl. Gatot Subroto Jakarta Selatan Indonesia

Deskripsi Perusahaan:
PT. Pertiwi Properties, sebuah perusahaan konstruksi dan manajemen
properti di Jakarta, Bandung dan Surabaya, membutuhkan segera karyawan
baru yang profesional dan bermotivasi tinggi untuk ditempatkan di
kantor pusat kami di Jakarta sebagai:

Deskripsi tugas :
Mengurus masalah personalia, membantu proses pelatihan dan
perekrutan karyawan baru.
Kualifikasi Minimum:
a. Pria / Wanita usia 21 s/d 55 tahun
b. Pendidikan minimum Diploma
c. Kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal skill yang baik
d. Dapat berbicara dengan baik di depan umum
e. Penguasaan terhadap bahasa Inggris / bahasa asing lainnya nilai tambah
f. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer

Deskripsi tugas :
Merencanakan, mengatur dan mengawasi jalannya proyek pembangunan /
Kualifikasi Minimum:
a. Pria / Wanita usia 22 s/d 57 tahun
b. Pendidikan minimum S1
c. Pengetahuan yang baik tentang konstruksi bangunan
d. Kemampuan supervisi dan manajemen yang tinggi
e. Penguasaan terhadap bahasa Inggris / bahasa asing lainnya nilai tambah
f. Tanggung jawab dan disiplin kerja yang tinggi
g. Pengalaman di bidang serupa diutamakan

Kualifikasi Minimum:
a. Pria / Wanita usia 21 s/d 55 tahun
b. Pendidikan minimum Diploma
c. Pengetahuan yang baik tentang manajemen
d. Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
e. Penguasaan terhadap bahasa Inggris / bahasa asing lainnya nilai tambah
f. Pengetahuan dasar tentang komputer

Bagi para kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut, dapat
mengirimkan surat lamaran disertai Curriculum Vitae dan pas foto
terbaru, ditujukan kepada:

Mr. Rahmat Pertiwi
Divisi SDM
PT. Pertiwi Alam Raya Properties

E-Mail: pertiwi.raya_ sdm@yahoo. com

Lowongan Kerja di Pelabuhan Indonesia I

PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I yang beroperasi di daerah Propinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Riau, Kepri dan Sumatera Utara membutuhkan tenaga pelaut untuk dididik menjadi siswa pandu dengan ikatan dinas.
I. Persyaratan
1. Usia maksimum 34 tahun per 31 Agustus 2008
2. Pelaut Nautis berijazah minimal ANT III (diutamakan ANT II)
3. Pengalaman berlayar minimal 3 tahun (diutamakan sebagai nakhoda)
4. Mampu berbahasa Inggris (diutamakan memiliki TOEFL score minimal 400)
5. Tinggi badan minimal 170 cm
6. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
7. Bersedia ditempatkan diwilayah kerja PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I
II. Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi akan diikutsertakan dalam diklat calon siswa Pandu selama + 8 (delapan) bulan dengan biaya pendidikan dan akomodasi ditanggung perusahaan.
III. Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan berkas lamaran dengan melampirkan :
1. Fotocopy Ijazah yang dilegalisir
2. Fotocopy Certificate of Proviciency yang dimiliki
3. Fotocopy KTP yang masih berlaku
4. Fotocopy buku pelaut
5. Fotocopy akte kelahiran/surat kenal lahir yang dilegalisir
6. SKBB dari Kepolisian
7. Kartu Tanda Pencari Kerja dari Depnaker
8. Daftar riwayat hidup (curriculum vitae)
9. Pas photo terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar
10. Hasil ujian TOEFL paling lama 1 (satu) tahun terakhir
Surat lamaran berikut lampirannya dikirimkan dalam amplop A4 melalui kilat khusus atau dapat melalui e-mail dengan alamat hrekrut@inaport1. co.id dan hrekrut@gmail. com. Lamaran sudah harus diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 16 Juni 2008 (stempel pos), ditujukan ke :
PO. BOX 2216
MEDAN 20000
IV. Lain-lain :
1. Nama-nama yang berhak mengikuti seleksi akan dipanggil melalui surat/ e-mail atau dapat dilihat di http://www.inaport1 .co.id
2. Bagi yang mengirim lamaran melalui e-mail, apabila dipanggil agar dapat membawa berkas aslinya
3. Selama mengikuti seleksi para peserta tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
4. Setelah lulus pendidikan pandu akan diangkat menjadi calon pegawai dengan jabatan pandu laut
Medan, 27 Mei 2008

Lowongan Kerja di LP Displays Indonesia

PT. LP Displays Indonesia is a rename PT. LG Philips Displays Indonesia Multinational company manufactures TV tube and TV set Component, that urgently seeking a highly motivated person to fill the bellow vacant position:

Training Staff (Spv) - CIKARANG

Responsible :
Development Human Resources.
Handling internal training program.
To design facilitate, prepare and deliver training programs.
To make training need analysis and evaluation training.

Qualification :
Male, max. 27 year of ages.
S1 Graduates in Psychology / Management / Administration from reputable university.
Min.1 year experience as HR & Training Development.
Having good knowledge of training aspect.
Computer literate.
Good Communication and Negotiation Skill.
Fluent in English both oral and written.
Good Interpersonal relationship skill, able working under pressure.
Send your complete application with the code of position to:
HRD Dept.
PT. LP Displays Indonesia
Industrial Estate MM2100 Block G,
Cikarang Barat - Bekasi 17520
or e-mail to : hrd.lpdi@lpdisplays .com or fax to : 021 - 89982343

Nama-Nama Perusahaan di Indonesia 7

Quantech Indonesia, PT
Rekagriya Menarabuana, PT
R & T Arsitek
Rahayu Putra & Partner, PT
Rekaguna Abdidaya, PT 
Rekayasa Industri, PT
Rematha Daksa Optima, PT
Rusli Graha Cipta Lestari, PT
Sapta Dinamika Mandiri Graha PT
Sapta Pusaka Nusantara, PT
Sarana Rancang Bangun Persada, PT
Satya Prima Konsulindo, PT
Satyamitra Surya Perkasa, PT
Satyatama Grahatara, PT
Sekawan Design Inc. Arsitek, PT
Selat Sunda Perkasa, PT
Sentra Reka Struktur, PT
Shimizu Coorporation
Sigmatech Tatakarsa, PT
Skemanusa Consultama Teknik, PT
Slamet & Rekan Engineering, PT
Sns Consult Architecture Planning Engin, PT
Stevanus & Rekan, PT
Strukkon Trimitra Engineering, PT
Strukturindo Kharisma Jaya, PT
Studio 83, PT
Studio Graha Tantra Jasa, PT
Studio Polar, PT
Sugiarto & Rekan, PT
Sumicon Utama, PT
Suradjin Sutjipto, Inc
Surya Darma Putra, PT
Susanto Ciptajaya Corporation, PT
Swadaya Agung Perkasa, PT
Sintechmasindo Wangsatama, PT
Serasi Auto Raya, PT
Ta Arkitek, PT
Taesei - Ppt , PT. Joint Operation
Taisei - Total - Pp, PT
Taiyo Sinar Raya Teknik, PT
Takenaka Indonesia, PT
Tasminia Sekawan, PT
Tata Disantara, PT
Team Consultant, PT
Techno Plan Nusantara, PT
Tekad Nusa Bangun, PT
Teknik Selaras, PT
Titik Garis Bidang, PT
Tomarwil Harapan Jaya, PT
Total Bangun Persada, PT
Totalindo Eka Persada, PT
Traser International, PT
Traser Kontraktor International, PT
Tri Ade, PT
Triaco Widya Cipta, PT
Triar-De Citra Mandiri, PT
Tridaya Pamurtya, PT
Trimatara Jaya Persada, PT
Trimitra Asri Tama, PT
Tripanoto Sri Konsultan, PT
Triweger International, PT
Ttw Indonesia, PT
Tunggul Hari Architect, PT
Trakindo Utama, PT
Uni Tri Cipta, PT
Unitek Standard, PT
Universal Studio
Wijaya Karya PT (Kontraktor)
Wahana Cipta Bangun Wisma, PT
Wahana Mega Hasta Karya, PT
Waringin Megah, PT
Waringin Multi Cipta, PT
Wastu Adi Olahrupa, PT
Wekateks Consultant, PT
Widha Consultant, CV
Widyatama Bahana Consultant, PT
Wijaya Perdana, PT
Wilde & Woollard Indonesia, PT
Wiratman & Associates, PT
WT Partnership, PT
Yodya Karya, PT
Yongky & Rekan, PT

Nama-Nama Perusahaan di Indonesia 6

Lamhui Pratama, PT
Le Buem, PT
Lisakonsulindo, PT
Loka Disain, CV
Lupita Amanda, PT
Maeda - NRC, PT
Makesthi Enggal Engineering, PT
Malmass Mitra Teknik, PT
Manyarmas Sakti, PT
Meco Systech Internusa, PT
Megatika International, PT
Meinhardt Indonesia, PT
Mekatama Design, PT
Meltech Consultindo Nusa, PT 
Menara Lima Selaras, PT
Metakom Pranata, PT
Mitra Karsa Empat Utama, PT
Mitra Inti Pranata, PT
Mitra Kreasi Sinergi, PT
Multi Planindo Inti, PT
Multi Pross, PT
Multibrata Anugerah Utama, PT
Murinda - Hasama, PT
Nipsea Raya, PT
Noorichsan Konsultan, CV
Nusa Raya Cipta, PT
P.R.W Architects, PT
Pacific Consultant International, PT
Panca Protelindo, PT
Pandhan Salas, PT
Paraga Arta Mida, PT
Parama Dharma, PT
Parama Loka Consultant, PT
Parama Matra Madya, PT
Paramita Abirama Istasadhya, PT
Parigraha, PT
Pasca Tekhnindo, PT
Peddle Thorp Indonesia, PT
Perentjana Djaja, PT
Perkasa Carista Estetika, PT
Permata Anggrek, PT
Pillar Terpadu, PT
Pillar, PT
Pinetra Archi, PT
Planning & Development Workshop Inc.
Policipta Multidesain, PT
Pp Taisei Indonesia Construction, PT
Prada Cipta Areco, PT
Prada Tata Internasional, PT
Pramarga Adigraha, PT
Pratama, PT
Prima Ganesha, PT
Puri Pratama Perkasa Abadi, PT
Purina Disain, PT
Putra Satria Prima, PT
Padama Bahtera Labelindo, PT

Nama-Nama Perusahaan di Indonesia 5

Indomegah Cipta bangun Citra, PT
Idea Five, PT
Ideal Arsitektur, PT
Ideal Studio, PT
Idealaras Adhicipta, PT
Ika Adya Perkasa, PT
Imageqreator, PT
Imaji Ruang Arsitektur, PT
Imaji Ruang Kreasi, PT
Indecon Adhikarsa, PT
Indo Swissatama, PT
Indokond, PT
Indonakanogumi, PT
Indra Karya, PT
Indraprasta Adiprana, PT
Infra Pramatra Graha, PT
Insada Intergrated Design Team, PT
Inti Daya Kreasicitra, PT
Intipakar Maju Jaya, PT
Intiswiss Consulindo, PT
Istaka Karya, PT
J. Budiman Architect
Jasa Ferrie & Partner, PT
Jaya Obayashi, PT
Joshie Arenco, PT
Juruukur Bahan Indonesia, PT
Kajima Design Asia
Kajima Indonesia, PT
Karya Jaya, PT
Karya Mekarutama, PT
Ketira Engineering Consultants, PT
Kiass Reka Jasa, PT
Kiat Architects, PT
Koradipura Prakarsa, PT
Korra Antar Lestari, PT
Kouros Saldjoughi & Associates, PT
Kurnia Perkasa Agung Putra, PT
Kurniadi Rekajasa, PT

Nama-Nama Perusahaan di Indonesia 4

Fajar Parahiyangan, PT
Fajar Surya Perkasa, PT
Fernandus & Associates, PT
Fidora Internusa, PT 
Fincode International & Associates, PT
Flow 9 Architects, PT
Forum Lima Kreasi, PT
Gabriele Prima Lestari, PT
Gading & Co, PT
Galeri Ide, PT
Garis Gubah Nuansa Cipta, PT
Garis Trada, PT
Garuda Baja Indra, PT
Geode Pataka Alam, PT
George Floth Indonesia, PT
Gistama Intisemesta, PT
Gliter Indopratama, PT
Global Rekatama Utama, PT
Glory Internusa, PT
Gradian Mitrakarsa, PT
Graha Wijaya, PT
Grahacipta Hadiprana, PT
Griksa Cipta, PT
Gubah Laras, PT
Gumarna, PT
Gunawan Cipta Arsindo, PT
Gunawan, CV
Haerte (HRT) Widya Konsultan, PT
Han Awal & Partner, PT
Hantaran Prima Mandiri, PT
Harjaguna Kurnia Mitra, PT
Hasana Damai Putra, PT
Hasta Kreasimandiri, PT
HMA Internasional, PT
HRT Widya Konsultan, PT
Hutama Karya, PT
Harmoni Mas, PT

Nama-Nama Perusahaan di Indonesia 3

Dacrea Avia, PT
Daelim Indoteknik, PT
Dahana Dipa, PT
Daksa Group, PT
Dang Desaindo Internusa, PT
Davy Sukamta & Partners, PT
Decimal Engineering Consultants, PT
Dedato Indonesia, PT
Destra Purna Katra, PT
Devrindo Widya, PT
Dextam Contractor, PT 
Dian Sakti Lestari, PT
Dinamika Harmoni Wisesa, PT
Dinamika Teknik Selaras, PT
Disain Sepuluh Jasacipta, PT
Diserco Development Services, PT
Dodi & Rekan, PT
Duta Cermat Mandiri, PT
Duta Graha Indah, PT
Duta Rekayasa, PT
Dwira Bangun Indonesia, PT
EC Harris Indonesia, PT
Ekamitra Talentama, PT
Electrica Prisma Utama, PT
Elemcotama Primasarana, PT
Eltameko Ciptagraha, PT
Embossindo, PT
Emse, PT
Encona Engineering, PT
Endramukti Design Associates, PT
Envirotec Indonesia, PT
Esa Konsultan, PT
Esenef, PT
Exodus, PT

Nama-Nama Perusahaan di Indonesia 2

Baganusa Daya Prima, PT
Bangun Cipta Contractor, PT
Bangun Kharisma Prima, PT
Benjamin Gideon & Associates, CV
Benny Gunawan & Rekan, PT
Bias Tekno Art Kreasindo, PT
Bimaseta Cipta Optima, PT
Bina Bakti, PT 
Bina Karya Persero, PT
Bina Mitra KS, PT
Bina Pura, PT
Bita Enarcon Engineering, PT
Bringin Rancang Sejahtera, PT
Buana Archikon, PT
Bumi Prianger Studio, PT
Bastela Indah Prinindo, PT
Cahaya Agung Bumirizki, PT
Cakramanggilingan Jaya, PT
Cameron Chrisholm Nicol Indonesia, PT
Catha Sarana Tata Cipta, PT
Catur Bangun Mandiri, PT
Cemerlang Cipta Inti, PT
Charisma Pilar Manunggal, PT
Cipta Adi Dimensi, PT
Cipta Adya Laras, PT 
Cipta Karya Bangun, PT
Cipta Karya Bumi Indah, PT
Cipta Odita, PT
Cipta Rekayasa Terpadu, PT
Cipta Teknik Indorekatama, PT
Ciriajasa Cipta Mandiri, PT
Citra Konsultindo Utama, PT
Citra Mulia Cahaya Murni, PT
Coldwell Banker Indonesia, PT

Nama-Nama Perusahaan di Indonesia 1

Adhi Karya, PT (Kontraktor)
Adhimitra Jasa Indah, PT
Adhimix Precast Indonesia, PT
Adhi Realty, PT
Ace Jaya Putra, PT
Adhi Daya Cipta, PT
Adhicipta Prawidya, PT
Adhigraha Rekaperdana, PT
Adhika Karsa Pratama, PT
Adia Graha, PT
Adiguna Darma Inti, PT
Adiya Widyajasa, PT
Agal Cipta Rancana, PT
Agoes Koernia & Associate, PT
Air Timur Abadi, PT
Airmas Asri, PT
Akson 90, PT
Ampera, CV
Aneka Abadi Superindo, PT
Anexatama Presindo, PT
Anggara Architeam, PT
Angka Wijaya Kusuma, PT
Antero Mas, PT
Anugrah Multi Cipta Karya, PT
Arc Studio
Archi Metric, PT
Ardekon, PT
Arista Inter Kreasi, PT
Ark Design, PT
Arkitek Team Empat, PT
Arkitekton Limatama, PT
Arkon, PT
Arkonin, PT
Armeka Wisesa Multiguna, PT
Armekon Rekatantra, PT
Arnan Pratama Consultants, PT
Arservo, PT
Arsidian Ciptamassa, PT
Arsindo Multigraha, PT
Arsiplan, PT
Arsiplus Piramida, PT
Arsita Sarwagata, PT
Arsitek Arupadatu, PT
Arsitra Inter Kreasi, PT
Art Pro, PT
Arta Graditya Tridhistama, PT
Arta Harmonis Abadi, PT
Artefak Arkindo, PT
Artha Graha, PT
Arthadanamas Dutaprima, PT
Asdi Swasatya, PT
Aspac Mitra Consultindo, PT
Asri Desindo Intiwidya, PT
Astri Arena, PT
Atelier 6 Arsitek, PT
Atelier 6 Profesio Engineering, PT
Atelier 6 Struktur, PT
Atelier Enam International, PT
Austin Consultants Engineering, PT

PROFIL PERUSAHAAN PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia

PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia merupakan stasiun televisi swasta pertama di Indonesia. Berdiri pada tanggal 21 Agustus 1987, stasiun televisi yang dibangun di atas tanah seluas 10 Hektar ini mulai mengudara dua tahun kemudian, tepatnya bulan Agustuus 1989.

Dengan wilayah jangkauan yang luas meliputi hampir seluruh wilayah di Indonesia, serta penggunaan Satelit domestik Palapa B2P yang memungkinkan merelay program ke seluruh pemirsanya, membuat RCTI menjadi stasiun televisi paling digemari oleh pemirsa, terbukti dari tingginya rating dan share terhadap program-program RCTI. Hal ini tentu saja membuat RCTI menjadi ladang yang subur bagi para pengiklan yang hendak mengiklankan produk dan jasa mereka.

Dibawah naungan perusahaan induknya MNC (Media Nusantara Citra), RCTI berhasil menempati posisi nomor satu diantara stasiun televisi lainnya di Indonesia. Selain itu pengembangan teknologi yang dilakukan RCTI juga memungkinkan pemirsa menikmati program-program RCTI melalui telepon seluler dan Internet.

Didukung oleh lebih dari 1550 tenaga professional yang penuh semangat, berdidikasi tinggi terhadap perusahaan, berkomitmet tinggi, serta konsisten memberikan pelayan terbaik mereka terhadap pemirsa, menjadikan RCTI sebagai pelopor dalam hal penyediaan program-program informasi dan hiburan terbaik dan paling digemari oleh pemirsanya.

“RCTI adalah yang pertama dan terbaik”

“RCTI merupakan kebanggan bersama milik bangsa”

sumber : http://www.rcti.tv/aboutus/aboutus.php

Profil SCTV

Sejarah Perusahaan
Bermula dari Jl. Darmo Permai, Surabaya, Agustus 1990, siaran SCTV diterima secara terbatas untuk wilayah Gerbang Kertosusila (Gresik, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Surabaya, Sidoardjo dan Lamongan) yang mengacu pada izin Departemen Penerangan No. 1415/RTF/K/IX/1989 dan SK No. 150/SP/DIR/TV/1990. Satu tahun kemudian, 1991, pancaran siaran SCTV meluas mencapai Pulau Dewata, Bali dan sekitarnya.

Baru pada tahun 1993, berbekal SK Menteri Penerangan No 111/1992 SCTV melakukan siaran nasional ke seluruh Indonesia. Untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan industri televisi dan juga dengan mempertimbangkan Jakarta sebagai pusat kekuasaan maupun ekonomi, secara bertahap mulai tahun 1993 sampai dengan 1998, SCTV memindahkan basis operasi siaran nasionalnya dari Surabaya ke Jakarta.

Pada tahun 1999 SCTV melakukan siarannya secara nasional dari Jakarta. Sementara itu, mengantisipasi perkembangan teknologi informasi yang kian mengarah pada konvergensi media SCTV mengembangkan potensi multimedianya dengan meluncurkan situs http://www.liputan6.com, http://www.liputanbola.com Melalui ketiga situs tersebut, SCTV tidak lagi hanya bersentuhan dengan masyarakat Indonesia di wilayah Indonesia, melainkan juga menggapai seluruh dunia. Dalam perkembangan berikutnya, melalui induk perusahaan PT. Surya Citra Media tbk (SCM), SCTV mengembangkan potensi usahanya hingga mancanegara dan menembus batasan konsep siaran tradisional menuju konsep industri media baru.

SCTV menyadari bahwa eksistensi industri televisi tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dinamika masyarakat. SCTV menangkap dan mengekspresikannya melalui berbagai program berita dan feature produksi Divisi Pemberitaan seperti Liputan 6 (Pagi, Siang, Petang dan Malam), Buser, Topik Minggu Ini, Sigi dan sebagainya. SCTV juga memberikan arahan kepada pemirsa untuk memilih tayangan yang sesuai. Untuk itu, dalam setiap tayangan SCTV di pojok kiri atas ada bimbingan untuk orangtua sesuai dengan ketentuan UU Penyiaran No: 32/2002 tentang Penyiaran yang terdiri dari BO (Bimbingan Orangtua), D (Dewasa) dan SU (Semua Umur). Jauh sebelum ketentuan ini diberlakukan, SCTV telah secara selektif menentukan jam tayang programnya sesuai dengan karakter programnya.

Dalam kurun waktu perjalanannya yang panjang, berbagai prestasi diraih dari dalam dan luar negeri antara lain: Asian Television Awards (2004 untuk program kemanusian Titian Kasih (Pijar), 1996 program berita anak-anak Krucil), Majalah Far Eastern Economic Review (3 kali berturut-turut sebagai satu dari 200 perusahaan terkemuka di Asia Pasific), Panasonic Awards (untuk program berita, pembaca berita dan program current affair pilihan pemirsa) dan sebagainya. Semua itu menjadikan SCTV kian dewasa dan matang. Untuk itu, manajemen SCTV memandang perlu menegaskan kembali identitas dirinya sebagai stasiun televisi keluarga. Maka sejak Januari 2005, SCTV mengubah logo dan slogannya menjadi lebih tegas dan dinamis: Satu Untuk Semua.

Melalui 47 stasiun transmisi, SCTV mampu menjangkau 240 kota dan menggapai sekitar lebih dari 175 juta potensial pemirsa. Dinamika ini terus mendorong SCTV untuk selalu mengembangkan profesionalisme sumber daya manusia agar dapat senantiasa menyajikan layanan terbaik bagi pemirsa dan mitra bisnisnya.

SCTV telah melakukan transisi ke platform siaran dan produksi digital, yang merupakan bagian dari kebijakan untuk secara konsisten mengadopsi kecanggihan teknologi dalam meningkatkan kinerja dan efsiensi operasional. Dalam semangat yang sama, kebijakan itu telah meletakkan penekanan yang kokoh pada pembinaan kompetensi individu di seluruh aspek untuk mempertajam basis pengetahuan seraya memupuk talenta, kreativitas dan inisiatif. Inilah kunci untuk memperkuat posisi SCTV sebagai salah satu dari stasiun penyiaran terkemuka di Indonesia.

Perseroan tercatat di Bursa Efek Surabaya sejak Juni 2003




To become the best tropical forest management in the world.


§ Managing tropical forest with the principle of sustainable forest management with the community.

§ To increase productivy, quality and value of forest resource.

§ To optimize the benefit of wood forest product, non wood forest product, environmental services and other potential product, in order to increase revenue and company profit and also community welfare (surrounding the forest).

§ To develop a professional, integrity and clean human resource of company.

§ To support and participate in development of regional and national economy.

One DAy Career Workshop SAP Consultant & RECRUITMENT PT Jogja Global Technology

Demand for SAP Consultant is growing every year. If you want to become a successful SAP Consultant, be aware of potential SAP Career Opportunities and start building your capacity today with the tools to succeed.

Asseta International & Universitas Islam Indonesia invites students, fresh graduate who wants to reshape their future to attend :


Wednesday, 04th June, 2008
08.30 – 12.00 WIB
Auditorium, FTI 3rd floor
Central Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia

Meet the expert from :
( SAP Training Center )
(IT Company focus in SAP Environment)

Available Job Vacancy on PT Jogja Global Technology
- Interview will be held on 13.00 – 17.00 WIB After Workshop
- Interview Priority :
Applicants who submit resume before the event

Rp. 5000,-

Central Campus UII Jl. Kaliurang km 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta
Telp. 0274-898444, ext 1108

Profil Bank Syariah Mandiri

Nama : PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri
Alamat : Gedung Bank Syariah Mandiri
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 5
Jakarta 10340 - Indonesia
Telepon : (62-21) 2300509, 39839000 (Hunting)
Faksimili : (62-21) 39832989
Situs Web : www.syariahmandiri.co.id
Berdiri : 25 Oktober 1999
Beroperasi : 1 Nopember 1999
Jenis Usaha : Perbankan
Modal Dasar : Rp.,-
Modal : Rp 358.372.565.000,-
Kantor : sebanyak 190 kantor layanan, yang tersebar di 24 propinsi di seluruh Indonesia
Jumlah ATM : 51 ATM Syariah Mandiri, 2631 ATMandiri, 6642 ATM BERSAMA dan 4500 BankCard
Karyawan : sebanyak 2052 karyawan
sumber : http://www.syariahmandiri.co.id

Rabu, 28 Mei 2008


PT. ANUGRAH ARGON MEDICA, sebuah perusahaan jasa distribusi produk
farmasi dan alat kesehatan bagian dari DEXA MEDICA GROUP dengan 33
cabang yang tersebar diseluruh Nusantara dengan visi mencapai kesehatan
bersama di tingkat nasional regional maupun global
(www.anugrah- argon.com)

Kami mengundang fresh graduate untuk bergabung dalam

Supervisory Development Program

Kualifikasi :
1. Usia maksimum 25 tahun
2. S1 semua jurusan dengan IPK minimal 3.0
3. Lebih diutamakan fresh graduate
4. Memiliki communication skill yang baik
5. Memiliki sense of business
6. Teliti dan bisa melakukan control dengan baik
7. Memiliki analytical thinking yang baik
8. Memiliki leadership yang baik
9. Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas dan ditempatkan di seluruh

Bagi anda yang berminat, silakan mendaftar di Bagian Kerjasama UNS
paling lambat 1 Juni 2008, Test Recruitmen akan dilaksanakan pada :

Hari / Tanggal : Senin 2 Juni 2008
Tempat : Universitas Sebelas Maret Ruang Sidang IV kantor Pusat
Jam : 09.00

PT. Krakatau Engineering

PT. Krakatau Engineering, salah satu perusahaan KS Group yang bergerak di bidang EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi:

Project Control (Gresik) Untuk Proyek NPK dan ROP PT. Petrokimia Gresik
(Jawa Timur - Gresik)

Pendidikan S1 Teknik dengan pengalaman di bidang Project Control minimal 2 tahun
Pria, usia maksimal 45 tahun
Mampu berbahasa Inggris (aktif dan pasif)
Menguasai Microsoft Project dan software Primavera
Diutamakan berdomisili di sekitar Gresik (Jawa Timur)
Bersedia menjadi karyawan kontrak proyek JO (Job Order)

Kirim lamaran, CV, foto, ijazah, transkrip, dan sertifikat yang mendukung ke: sdm@krakataueng. co.id dengan subjek "PC-Gresik"

Paling lambat 20 Juni 2008
File maksimal 200KB

Selasa, 27 Mei 2008

On Campus Recruitment PT. LG INNOTEK

As the largest and export oriented TV Tuner & electronics components
manufacturer which has been implementing six sigma and located at
Cikarang, Bekasi, LG Innotek Indonesia, Co., Ltd would like to
invite you to join us as a part of our winning team as:

R&D Engineer (R&D-ENG)
Vocational Requirement:
- Male
- Bachelor degree from Electrical or Mechanical Engineering

Engineering Staff (ENG-ST)
Vocational Requirement:
- Male
- Bachelor degree from Electrical, Mechanical or Industrial

Production Planning Control Staff (code: PPC-ST)
Vocational Requirement:
- Male
- Bachelor degree from Industrial engineering

General requirement:
- GPA min.3.00 (scale 4)
- Age max.27 years old
- 0-1 years experience
- Able to work under pressure is a must
- Must be able to speak and written English
- Be able to speak Korean (is advantage)
- High motivated
- Able to work in a team
- Can be placed in Cikarang, Bekasi West Java

Remuneration Offer:
• Fixed salary
• Daily management overtime
• Company incentives
• Health insurance
• Shuttle transportation

If you meet our requirement above please send us your application
letter and your latest CV and photo before 11, June 2008 at:

Alumni Career Center Universitas Islam Indonesia
Gedung Rektorat Kampus UII Terpadu Lantai 1
Jalan Kaliurang km 14,5 Sleman, Jogjakarta

Information passed candidates will be announced at 13, June 2008 and
test will be held at Saturday, 14, June 2008

Please fill the online form at:
www.acc-uii. com/lg

Online form should be filled as prerequisite for passed candidate

Lowongan Instruktur Bugs Training Center Jogjakarta

Bugs Training Center (BTC) membutuhkan Instruktur:
1. Java Programming (J2SE, J2ME, J2EE)
2. Visual Basic, VB.Net
3. Borland Delphi
4. Javascript
5. Macromedia Dreamweaver
6. Macromedia Flash MX
7. Matlab
8. Teknisi Komputer
9. LAN, Linux Basic + Networking
10. SIG (ArcView, Map Info, ER Mapper)
11. Database Server (MySQL, SQL Server, Postgre SQL)
12. AutoCAD Map

1. Pria/Wanita berusia antara 21-35 tahun
2. Mahasiswa D3/S1/S2, berpengalaman atau fresh graduate yang menguasai
dengan sangat baik minimal salah satu dari materi tersebut di atas.
3. Bersedia bekerja part time/freelance
4. Komunikatif

Segera kirimkan lamaran & CV anda kepada:
Divisi HRD Bugs Training Center (BTC)
Cakra Kembang Plaza
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 5,6 No. 44
Yk 55281

Paling lambat 7 Juni 2008 cap pos atau kirim langsung lamaran
pada kami.

Hormat Kami

HRD Bugs Training Center


Assistant Technician
Persyaratan :
Pria, pendidikan minimal D3 Teknik Mesin
IPK Minimal 2,55
Menguasai Auto CAD
Umur maksimal 25 tahun
Bersedia menjalani kontrak minimal 2 tahun di Batam

Assistant Engineer
Persyaratan :
Pria, pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Mesin
IPK minimal 2,55
Menguasai Auto CAD
Umur maksimal 28 tahun
Bersedia menjalani minimal 2 tahun di Batam

Fasilitas dari perusahaan :
Tiket pesawat untuk keberangkatan dan kepulangan saat berakhirnya kontrak
Selama 3 tiga bulan pertama, perusahaan menyediakn tempat tinggal

Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada HRD PT. TEAM METAL INDONESIA BATAM,
dilampiri : CV, fotokopi ijazah, fotokopi transkrip nilai, fotokopi
KTP, 2 lembar pas foto 4x6 dan sertifikat pendukung lainnya

Surat lamaran paling lambat 3 Juno 2008 diantar langsung atau dikirim
ke : BKK BLPT Jalan Kyai Mojo No.70 Yogyakarta 55243

Pelaksaan Tes 4 Juni 2008 di BKK BLPT, langsung dari PT. TEAM METAL

Info lebih lengkap hubungi BKK BLPT Telp / Fax 0274-555325 pada jam
kerja 08.00 s/d 14.00, diluar jam kerja CP : 08179432990

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

Lowongan Kerja - Fresh Graduate from Akademi Perawat

Talentpool Indonesia is a human capital solution provider in the services of executive search, head hunter and HR consulting in Jakarta.
Talentpool Indonesia is a human capital solution provider focusing in the services of executive search and human resource consulting firm in Jakarta.
One of our client is the world's largest, most diversified manufacturer of healthcare products serving the consumer, pharmaceutical and professional markets, operating in 57 countries with worldwide sales of over than US$50 billion, is currently looking for:
A min D3 degree in 'Akademi Perawat' or equivalent degree is advantage,
Overseas Graduate are encourage to apply
Strong leadership skills
Good analytical
Innovative and creative, along with a ‘can do’ attitude
Excellent communication skills
Proficiency in English language both spoken and written is a must
You are invited to send your application with a comprehensive resume, details information, contact telephone number together with a passport sized photograph to the following email career@talentpool- indonesia. com state the job code ‘FG-Nurse’ as the email subject


REKRUTMEN & SELEKSI KARYAWAN PT.KRAKATAU STEEL (Persero) & Group Tahun 2008 - Jenjang D3 & S1


PT. Krakatau Steel & Group mengundang Putra / Putri terbaik bangsa untuk bekerja dan mengembangkan karir di PT. Krakatau Steel & Group.

Dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

A. Persyaratan Administratif
1. WNI
2. a). Pendidikan Strata-I (S-1) dalam dan luar negeri dari fakultas / jurusan / program studi :
2. b). Pendidikan Diploma 3 (D-3) dari fakultas / jurusan / program studi:
2. c. Keterangan :
2. c-1. Jenis Kelamin :
L = Posisi Untuk Pelamar Laki-laki
P = Posisi Untuk Pelamar Perempuan
L/P = Posisi Untuk Pelamar Laki-laki & Perempuan

2. c-2. Lokasi Seleksi :
- BDG = Bandung, - SUB = Surabaya
- CLG = Cilegon, - MKS = Makassar
- YK = Yogyakarta, - PLG = Palembang

3. IPK minimal 2,7 (skala 4) atau padanannya yang menerapkan pola penilaian yang berbeda, lulus ujian negara bagi lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS).
4. Usia pada tanggal 1 Juni 2008 maksimum 28 tahun untuk S-1, dan 25 tahun untuk D-3.
5. Tidak sedang terikat ikatan dinas dengan institusi lain.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di semua lokasi kerja PT. Krakatau Steel & Group.

B. Pengiriman Lamaran

1. Surat lamaran dibuat dan ditanda tangani oleh peserta dengan melampirkan :

1- Data riwayat hidup, harus menggunakan format seperti contoh (klik disini)
2.Foto Copy Ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus yang sudah dilegalisir oleh Perguruan Tinggi-nya.
- Foto Copy Transkip Nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh Perguruan Tinggi-nya.
- Foto Copy KTP yang masih berlaku.
- Pas Foto berwarna terbaru 4 X 6 sebanyak 1 lembar dan 2 X 3 sebanyak 1 lembar.
- Foto Copy Kartu Disnaker.
- Foto Copy Surat Keterangan belum menikah.
- Khusus untuk Psikologi, lebih diutamakan Profesi Psikologi.

2. Pada sudut kiri amplop lamaran, cantumkan KODE DISIPLIN ILMU (lihat butir A-2a atau A-2b) dan KODE KOTA pelaksanaan seleksi yang dipilih (lihat butir A-2 dan C-2)

Contoh : STMT/CLG = Peserta Seleksi Program S1 Jurusan Metalurgi, tempat seleksi Cilegon
DEM/BDG = Peserta seleksi Program D3 jurusan Ekonomi Manajemen, tempat seleksi Bandung

3. Lamaran disampaikan dalam amplop coklat ukuran A4 melalui POS selambat-selambatny a tanggal 24 Mei 2008 (Cap Pos), kepada :

- PO BOX 7613 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Bandung
- PO BOX 7614 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Cilegon
- PO BOX 7619 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Yogyakarta
- PO BOX 7621 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Surabaya
- PO BOX 7631 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Palembang
- PO BOX 7663 BDSE. Bandung 40400 untuk lokasi seleksi Makassar

C. Pelaksanaan Seleksi

1.1. Proses / tahapan seleksi terdiri dari :
a)Seleksi : Administratif (ADM)
b)Seleksi : Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) http://www.gpsjakar ta.com
c)Seleksi : Tes Bahasa Inggris (ING)
d)Seleksi : Tes Psikologi (PSI)
e)Seleksi : Job Test & Wawancara (JT)
f)Seleksi : Tes Kesehatan (MED)

2.2. Waktu pelaksanaan tes (TPA - JT) sesuai yang tercantum dalam surat panggilan,yaitu :
a)Bandung (BDG),dari tanggal 05 Juni - 08 Juni 2008
b)Cilegon (CLG),dari tanggal 08 Juni - 11 Juni 2008
c)Yogyakarta (YK),dari tanggal 16 Juni - 19 Juni 2008
d)Surabaya (SUB),dari tanggal 19 Juni - 22 Juni 2008
e)Makassar (MKS),dari tanggal 26 Juni - 29 Juni 2008
f)Palembang (PLG),dari tanggal 26 Juni - 29 Juni 2008

4.3.Peserta hanya diperkenankan memilih SATU KOTA sebagai tempat untuk mengikuti seleksi

4.Biaya dari dan ke tempat lokasi seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.

D. Ketentuan Lain
1. Lamaran yang yang sudah dikirim tidak dikembalikan.
2. Dalam proses seleksi ini pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
3. Yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi, hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan administratif butir A dan B, serta sesuai SHORT LIST.

4. Pengumuman & Pemanggilan peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan & akan diikutsertakan proses seleksi, dilakukan melalui Pos dan atau dapat diakses di website :

http://www.seleksik rakatausteel2008 .info

5. Setiap mengikuti proses seleksi, peserta wajib membawa surat panggilan yang ditanda-tangani panitia.
6. Setiap tahapan seleksi berlaku sistem gugur dan akan di umumkan pada sore harinya dan keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu-gugat.
7. Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan, dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
8. Lamaran yang pernah dikirim ke PT. Krakatau Steel & Group dinyatakan tidak berlaku.


An established major international Oil and Gas Company in Indonesia is urgently looking for a
- Male
- Hold a bachelor degree for Accounting
- Good in English (written and oral)
- Having min 2 years experience in same position
- Contract Employee
- Be responsible to arrange all the employees' monthly salary and overtime payment
- Able to operate accounting system
Should you meet the above requirements, please send recent CV and photograph to mail@erocopetronesi a.com
Only short listed candidates will be notified

Lowongan Kerja Manajer

Our client is one of well established local chemical trading company. Currently they are looking potential candidate to join their team as


Male, max 35 years old
Min Bachelor Degree in Law
Min 2 years experience as Personnel Manager or 5 years as HR Generalist
Computer Literate
Excellent in communication and interpersonal skill
Proficient in English both verbal and written
Should you meet the requirements above and willing to pursue your future career, please send your comprehensive resume in MS WORD format to alika@cbn.net. id


PT. Daihatsu Astra motor, sebuah perusahaan manufacturing mobil terbesar di Asia Tenggara membuka peluang kerja untuk posisi :
Part & Supply Control
Maintenance & Quality
General Affairs
Export – Import

Kualifikasi :
Ø Lulusan S1 dan D3 – D4 Jurusan Teknik, Manajemen, Akuntansi atau semester akhir jurusan di atas (semester 5 atau 6)
Ø IPK minimal 2.80 (skala 4)
Ø Diutamakan berusia maksimal 27 tahun
Ø Dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik (TOEFL minimal 450)
Ø Siap ditempatkan di Jakarta , Karawang atau Cibitung
Ø Bersedia bekerja dengan system shift pagi dan malam
Ø Dapat mengoperasikan computer (Minimal MS. Office), dan diutamakan dapat menggunakan AUTO CAD dan CATIA
Ø Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman organisasi
Ø Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan dan kemampuan komunikasi yang baik

Bagi yang berminat. silakan download dan isi lengkap FORMULIR LAMARAN KERJA yang telah disediakan di www.acc-uii. com dan meng-entry data diri di kantor ACC UII kemudian kumpulkan berkas lamaran anda beserta formulir tersebut ke :

Gedung Rektorat Lantai 1 Kampus Terpadu UII
Jalan Kaliurang km 14,5 Sleman

Bagi calon pelamar yang berada di luar kota/tidak bisa entry data di kantor ACC UII, silakan download form data diri di acc-uii.com dan kirimkan ke email : admin@acc-uii. com. Selanjutnya kirimkan FORMULIR LAMARAN KERJA beserta berkas lamaran lengkap anda ke kantor ACC UII
Close date : 07 Juni 2008
Kami hanya memproses berkas lamaran yang telah dilengkapi FORMULIR LAMARAN KERJA dan telah entry data di kantor ACC UII atau telah mengirimkan form data diri ke email ACC UII (bagi pelamar luar kota )

Pengumuman peserta yang lolos seleksi administrasi dapat dilihat di www.acc-uii. com antara tanggal 11-12 Juni 2008

Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

Senior Piping Engineer Needed in BHP Billiton Pearl Project

BHP Billiton is currently undertaking a study to determine the feasibility of developing a significant laterite nickel deposit in Eastern Indonesia. The opportunity would involve the construction of world-class mining facilities, a process plant and associated infrastructure.

If you have an overriding commitment to health, safety, environmental responsibility and sustainable development we invite you to join our dynamic high performance project team in Jakarta.

As a key member of the piping discipline team, you will be involved with a study for the development of a Green Field Nickel Development in Eastern Indonesia. You will be required to develop design piping engineering documentation in order to meet the study requirements whilst complying with industry best practices, applicable codes and standards. This role will support the piping discipline team in meeting the study objectives, schedule and budget. You will be involved in developing design criteria, specifications and provide input to plant layout. Support the study budget pricing effort by the review/evaluation and approval of vendor inquiry responses for major turn key packages and equipment.

Jakarta based position with occasional travel required.

Tertiary qualification in Mechanical Engineering, have gained substantial experience within the process piping industry to evaluate, analyse and approve piping systems in accordance with applicable codes and standards. Previous experiences on major resources project (hydrometallurgical processing) would be a distinct advantage. Intermediate skills in Microsoft Office Program and CAD applications for 3D design, 2D drawing production will also be highly regarded.

Applicants must hold Indonesian Nationality and authority to work in Indonesia

Please apply online before 2 June 2008 through jobs.bhpbilliton. com and enter the job refference number 438533

Lowongan Kerja Finance Officer - Jakarta

Islamic Relief Indonesia Jakarta Office seeks
experienced Finance Officer to support our operation.
The position is located in Jakarta.
The Financial Officer will be responsible for ensuring
that the accounting and financial control system are
properly implemented in Jakarta and provincial
She/He shall responsible for :
Cash Book
Bank Account
Daily cash book reconciliation
monthly bank reconciliation
She/He shall also ensure that data is correctly
entered into QuickBooks accounting system.
Preparing The financial reports(monthly)

Requirements :
S1 degree in Accounting
at least 2 years experience (in NGO an advantage)
Experience with QuickBooks an advantage.

To apply: Please send a cover letter and CV to
fauzi@islamic- relief.or. id, with "Finance
Officer-Jakarta" noted in the subject heading by no
later than May 31, 2008.

Various Positions JRS Aceh

The Jesuit Refugee Service seeks to accompany, serve and defend the rights of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Our programs flow from direct humanitarian services and personal involvement with persons exposed to the sufferings and limitations of refugee life.

JRS will serve the IDPs in post natural disaster and conflict to empower them to prepare and prevent any possibility of displacement due to natural and human made disaster. It will be for the first time that JRS serves the natural disaster and conflict survivors in the post disaster phase to seek some durable solution. A programme, “Community Capacity Empowerment for Displacement Prevention and Responses”, was designed to build capacities of rural communities and preventi0n mechanisms against displacement. It will be realised in some projects like Education/School, Community Building, and Youth focusing on peace education, disaster risk reduction, and early preparedness system. The programme should not only result in the success of programme implementation indicated by the survivors empowerment, but also some analysis by a simple research conducted by advocacy division on the characteristics of the post disaster area, and how far is JRS intervention in the
communities and the lives of returnees and relocated ones.

Project : Community Capacity Empowerment for Displacement
Prevention and Responses
Project Duration : June 2008 – May 2010
Duty Station : Tapaktuan, Aceh Selatan
Closing date : 25 May 2008

The programme content is designed at building community capacity and we require staff at various levels to work with communities and transfer knowledge and skills into these communities in the spirit of JRS charter and guidelines:

Emergency Preparedness and longer term Disaster Risk Reduction skills
Participatory rural appraisals (PRA)
community risk assessments primarily in earthquake and flood prone areas:
risk reduction and mitigation concepts,
community managed disaster and crisis management,
school managed disaster and crisis management
early warning systems,
local level emergency action plan,
rehabilitation of settlement,
infrastructure and natural resource training activities for potential disaster victims.
Village Planning strategies.

Additional skills we also require are staff who have the ability to conduct workshops and transfer skills in both.

Conflict Management skills
Knowledge on Aceh Conflict
Conflict mapping; conflict analysis; communication; negotiation; facilitation mediation and the various strategies

Advocacy skills
Campaigning and policy skills, communication tools,

In addition to specific expertise we require staff who have :-

Motivation and commitment to humanitarian ideals
A willingness to self study and continually improve knowledge and skills
Ability to conduct work in a professional and mature manner
Ability to work within a fluid situation (changes within the team, location)
Ability to take initiative where appropriate to deal with difficulties encountered in daily work.

JRS will be unable to notify all applicants and will only contact those who have the necessary skills, training and experience .

Positions offered:
School Project Coordinator (1)
Education Information- Advocacy Officer (1)
Information and Advocacy Officer on Conflict Management (1)
Information and Advocacy Officer on DRR/Environment (1)
Early Preparedness System (EPS) Officer (1)
PRA Officer (1)
Youth Officer (1)
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Officers (1)
Inclusion Officer (1)

Indonesian National citizens Only
Bahasa Aceh is an advantage

Only short list of qualified candidates will be called for interview.
To apply for this job, send or email your cover letter and application form of JRS (below) as soon as possible to:
Lino M Sanjoyo
Address: Gg. Cabe no 17, Puren, Pringwulung, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Email: linosanjaya@ jrs.or.id


Dalam rangka ekspansi perusahaan, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang teknologi internet membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja untuk ditempatkan pada posisi :

Persyaratan :

v Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun

v Pendidikan minimal Diploma

v Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengoperasikan : HTML , PHP, MYSQL

v Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan analisa

v Menguasai bahasa Inggris aktif (lisan dan tertulis)

v Bersedia bekerja dalam tim dan bertipe pekerja keras

v Memiliki pengalaman dibidang programmer minimal 2 (dua) tahun (lebih diutamakan)

v Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan alat komunikasi pribadi

v Berdomisili di Yogyakarta

Persyaratan :

v Pria / wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun

v Pendidikan minimal Diploma

v Berpenampilan menarik dan supel

v Memiliki wawasan yang luas di bidang marketing

v Memiliki kendaraan dan alat komunikasi pribadi

v Mempunyai pengetahuan dan mampu belajar tentang seluk beluk internet

v Menguasai MS OFFICE (MS Word, Excel) dan internet

Persyaratan :

v Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun

v Pendidikan minimal Diploma

v Menguasai Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, dan Adobe Indesign

v Memiliki kemampuan membuat desain untuk produk, website, cetakan, dan sablon kain

v Mampu menggambar dengan tangan dan computer

Kirimkan surat lamaran beserta Curriculum Vitae, Foto Copy Ijasah, serta Foto Copy Kartu Identitas yang masih berlaku dilampiri 2 lembar pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6, ke alamat :

HRD CitraWeb Nusa Infomedia
Jl. Petung No. 31 Papringan Yogyakarta 5528
CLOSE DATE : 31 MEI 2008

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

a leading engineering consultant (PMA), is seeking individuals with a standard of exellence as follows :
Mechanical Design Engineer (ME) :
Having minimum 5 years related experience as Mechanical (Design) Engineer
Degree on Mechanical Engineering (S1) from reputable university
Able to work with minimum supervision, shows initiative, self motivation, strong technical and practical skills
Computer literate and proficient in English
Experience with handling of coal, ore, cement, design and layout of material handling systems is a must
Previous consulting engineering is desirable

Civil Design Engineer (CE)
Having minimum 5 years related experience as Civil (Design) Engineer
Design office experience is essential
Site experience is desirable
Degree on Civil Engineering (S1) from reputable university
Able to work with minimum supervision, shows initiative, self motivation, strong technical and practical skills
Computer literate and proficient in English
Detailed design experience
Report and specification writing
Design and project cost management
Previous consulting engineering is desirable

Structural Design Engineer
Having minimum 5 years related experience as Structure (Design) Engineer
Design office experience is essential
Site experience is desirable
Degree qualified in Engineering (S1) from reputable university
Able to work with minimum supervision, shows initiative, self motivation, strong technical and practical skills
Computer literate and proficient in English
Detailed design experience
Philosophy of steel and concrete design Philosophy of foundation design
Previous consulting engineering is desirable

Please send your comprehensive resume in Ms. Word format stating the job code in the subject to : edwin-marta@ jda-indonesia. co.id

Lowongan Kerja - Vacancies in Aceh

a leading industry (PMA) in building materials such as cement, aggregates, concrete and gypsum, needs individuals with a standard of excellence in various positions.

General qualifications :
Having minimum 5 years related experience in cement, pulp & paper and process industries
Bachelor Degree (S1)
Able to work with minimum supervision, shows initiative, self motivation, strong technical and practical skills
Computer literate and proficient in English is essential
Permanent position and will be based in Aceh

If you meet the qualifications above please send your comprehensive resume in Ms. Word Format to : edwin-marta@ jda-indonesia. co.id

Senin, 19 Mei 2008


PT. HALIM BINTANG INDONESIA,adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di
management properti,
berdomisili di wilayah Jakarta Barat.Membutuhkan segera karyawan baru
yang terampil
dan bermotivasi tinggi untuk mengisi lowongan pekerjaan di perusahaan
kami sebagai:


Persyaratan minimal:

-Pria/Wanita usia min 20th ( 1,2,3,5 ),Wanita ( 4 )
-Pendidikan min SMU ( 4 ), D3 ( 1,2,3,5 )
-Paham dasar-dasar akuntansi dan perpajakan perusahaan ( 1 )
-Dapat mengerajakan tugas administrasi dengan cepat dan efisien ( 2 )
-Pengalaman kerja di bidang properti merupakan nilai tambah (
1,2,3,4,5 )
-Menguasai Accounting Program merupakan nilai tambah ( 1 )
-Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft Office ( Word / Excel / Power Point
), ( 1,2,3,4,5 )
-Menguasai Bahasa Inggris merupakan nilai tambah ( 1,2,3,4,5 )
-Tinggi badan min 165 cm ( 4 )
-Kemampuan motivasi yang baik ( 3 )
-Berpenampilan dan berkepribadian yang menarik ( 4 )
-Leadership dan management skill yang baik ( 3 )
-Tepat waktu dan bertanggung jawab ( 3 )

Bagi para kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi dapat mengirimkan CV
terbaru,disertai pas
foto,dialamarkan kepada :

Email :hrd.hbi_opportunity @yahoo.com

Lowongan Kerja - Technical Engineer - PT. JDA-INDONESIA

An international building material company located in Indonesia is seeking for the following position:

Technical Engineer


· Expertise in building material industry, preferably roofing industry

· Expertise in consultancy more in project supervision

· Focus more on monitoring, controlling, supervising, and manager projects ( Installation )

· Background Architect / Civil Engineer

· Minimal 28 years old

· Minimal 3 years experience in the same industry, preferable same role

· Technical Building working experience (roofing specialist)

· Architecture degree (computer literate with CAD, Sketch up, 3DMax ms office is a must)

· Able to travel and stay (short term) around Indonesia area.

· Good analytical skill

If you interested, please send your CV in MS word format + recent photograph (max. 200 kb) to:
sangkala-wondal@ jda-indonesia. co.id

Lowongan Kerja - Position in Engineering - PT. JDA-Indonesia

A leading engineering consultant (PMA), is seeking individuals with a standard of exellence as follows :

Mechanical Design Engineer (ME) :
Having minimum 5 years related experience as Mechanical (Design) Engineer
Degree on Mechanical Engineering (S1) from reputable university
Able to work with minimum supervision, shows initiative, self motivation, strong technical and practical skills
Computer literate and proficient in English
Experience with handling of coal, ore, cement, design and layout of material handling systems is a must
Previous consulting engineering is desirable

Civil Design Engineer (CE)
Having minimum 5 years related experience as Civil (Design) Engineer Design office experience is essential Site experience is desirable Degree on Civil Engineering (S1) from reputable university Able to work with minimum supervision, shows initiative, self motivation, strong technical and practical skills Computer literate and proficient in English Detailed design experience Report and specification writing Design and project cost management Previous consulting engineering is desirable

Structural Design Engineer
Having minimum 5 years related experience as Structure (Design) Engineer Design office experience is essential Site experience is desirable Degree qualified in Engineering (S1) from reputable university Able to work with minimum supervision, shows initiative, self motivation, strong technical and practical skills Computer literate and proficient in English Detailed design experience Philosophy of steel and concrete design Philosophy of foundation design Previous consulting engineering is desirable

Please send your comprehensive resume in Ms. Word format stating the job code in the subject to : edwin-marta@ jda-indonesia. co.id

Kindly notified that only shortlisted candidate will be contacted for further process.


Edwin Marta

Recruitment Consultant

PT. JDA-Indonesia

Manpower Consultants - Oil & Gas, Mining & Construction

Plaza Aminta, 7th Floor

Jl. TB Simatupang Kav.10, Cilandak - Jakarta 12310

Telp : (021) 7590 4835; Fax : (021) 7511 407

Minggu, 18 Mei 2008

Steep & Rugged - Grand Canyon Extreme

Descend one of Grand Canyon's most difficult trails. This trail, formerly used by ancient natives and horse thieves, is steep, rugged and hard to follow. Your reward is unsurpassed views of the Colorado River, the canyon, the painted desert. You have the option to ascend a Grand Canyon butte for a spectacular 360 degree view of the world's most famous natural wonder. A once in a lifetime experience! Difficulty rating: Extreme
More Information Click Here

Sky Island and Subterranean Exploration

Visit one of Grand Canyon's largest sky islands (a mile long mesa surrounded by towering temples and buttes). Explore turn of the century mining operations where the rails and mining equipment still litter the landscape. Then you'll descend into surreal limestone caverns with giant stalactites, stalagmites and other colorful cave formations. You won't believe you're really in Grand Canyon! Difficulty rating: Difficult
More Information Click here

Secret Desert Oasis Hike

Explore little known springs hidden in the depths of the Grand Canyon. Abundant shade, maidenhair fern, crimson monkey flower and wild grapes surround these rare water sources. Over 80% of the canyon's biodiversity surrounds these springs. The trail drops steeply at first, but levels out nicely for the second half of the hike. Difficulty Rating: Moderate
More Information Click Here

Grand Canyon Explorer Hike

Grand Canyon is breathtaking from the rim, but for a more intimate and personal experience you must venture into the backcountry. OUr company offers unique hiking adventures for all ability levels and interests. You'll enjoy outstanding vistas on a "mild" Grand Canyon hike. This is the perfect hike for first time Grand Canyon visitors. The trail is wide, but the views are unparalleled. You'll experience the vastness of Grand Canyon with relative ease. This is a great hike for the entire family. Difficulty Rating: Mild to Moderate.
Minimum age: 8 years old
More Information Click Here

Spa Adventure Tour to Sedona, Arizona

April 13-19; October, 2008

With its towering red rock monoliths and buttes, Sedona is a piece of nature in its pure state, at 4,300 feet, above the heat of the desert.

Home to numerous protected prehistoric Indian ruins, estimates are that Indians have made pilgrimages to the Sedona Valley for over 9,000 years and that as many as 12,000 people, known as Sinaqua Indians, may have lived here during the 1100’s. To help us understand and honor the sacredness of this place, staff members have studied local Native traditions and rituals.

Hike 5-15 miles per day on a variety of challenging canyon and winding mountain trails, some gaining up to 3,500 feet in elevation, to view spectacular vistas of cliffs and pinnacles. Time is allotted for moments of introspection and meditation along the way.

Climb to ancient cliff dwellings which housed the Anasazi, Hopi and Apache; then up to overlooks and high plateaus where stone medicine wheels served as catalysts for Indian ceremonies.

Explore Oak Creek with its many stepping stones and swimming holes; through forests of pinion, oak, juniper and ponderosa pine; erosion-sculptured canyons of red supai and yellow sandstone, dotted with cacti and wildflowers.

Throughout the week, the staff selects your appropriate grade and length of hikes, to help maximize your level of fitness. You will be amazed at what you accomplish by the end of the week!

Step out early morning to our cozy yoga room, or weather permitting, a secluded yoga/tai chi site; a massive rock overhang suspended above breathtaking views of the Verde wilderness.

Afternoons enjoy a stretch and muscle-toning class, massage, and an optional two-hour sunset horseback ride.

Evenings, participate in a variety of motivational health and wellness discussions; learn the history and culture of the indigenous tribes and Sedona region and take part in an optional Indian Sweat Lodge ceremony.

Tucked into Oak Creek Canyon’s lush forested settings are the Creekhouses at Junipine, an ideal location for our getaway and sharing with soon-to-be friends. Blessed with beauty in every direction and a climate as close to perfection as only the southwest can offer, each Creekhouse is equipped with two luxurious bedrooms and baths, and a spacious living room with open fireplace. View Sedona’s fiery red cliffs from your private deck and fall asleep to the babbling sounds of Oak Creek.

Delicious organic meals are prepared by our private chef and served in the main house. Yes, recipes are shared with the guests!

Start with early morning yoga/meditation classes on a spectacular Red Rock plateau, surrounded by 360 deg. views (or, in our private Yoga studio); followed by Day Hikes that wind through awesome Red Rock canyons up to high Mountain Tops with expansive views. Sedona's variety of vegetation ranges from cactus to evergreens - thus the name: Verde Valley Wilderness. We include 3 massages, delicious Natural Cuisine (prepared by our private chef), Upscale Creek-side Lodge with Fireplaces, a Living Room and Decks (on scenic Oak Creek Canyon), Health & Wellness Education, Indian Cultural Exploration, plus an optional Indian Sweat Lodge
More Information Click Here

Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim Hiker

These special departures feature the full grandeur of the Canyon as we hike from its North to South Rim, crossing the mighty Colorado River en route. Stimulate your senses and revel in the Canyon's mystery as we enjoy the rim vistas and explore its incredible depths. Beginning with hauntingly beautiful Antelope Canyon, this is the trip of a lifetime that few will experience.

Inn Highlights : The North Rim's Grand Canyon Lodge cabins are a short stroll from the canyon rim and the renowned El Tovar on the South Rim is listed on the National Historic Register. With rustic architecture and fascinating history, these classic lodges provide the perfect setting for the start and end of our epic journey. In between is the oasis of Phantom Ranch, the ideal spot for rest and relaxation at the bottom of the Canyon.

Your Itinerary

Day 1: Antelope Canyon - North Rim

Today we shuttle from Flagstaff to the North Rim. Bring your camera as we first explore fascinating and colorful Antelope Canyon on the Navajo Indian Reservation. At day's end, following a sumptuous dinner, witness the first of many memorable canyon sunsets. (L/D).

Day 2: North Rim

This morning we're off through forest of spruce, fir, pine and oak to our picnic site with one of the finest views to be had from the entire North Rim. Then relax this afternoon for tomorrow's journey to the canyon bottom. (B/L/D).

Days 3-4: North Kaibab - Phantom Ranch

Descend through the Coconino sandstone and Redwall limestone formations, pass the oasis of Roaring Springs and drop into The Box. Our reward, Phantom Ranch, sits among the cottonwoods along Bright Angel Creek just above the Colorado River. Explore the area or just rest up for the ascent to come. (B/L/D).

Days 5-6: Bright Angel - South Rim

After crossing and following the Colorado River downstream, we soon climb Devils Corkscrew to Indian Springs, up Jacobs Ladder and on to the classic El Tovar Lodge, welcoming us at trail's end. Our final day has one last rim hike or time to just relax and appreciate the sunrise with a morning latte. (B/L/D).
More Information Click Here

Grand Canyon-Bryce-Zion Hiker

Showcasing the mystical and stunning landscape of Bryce, Zion and the Grand Canyon. Delve into a world of awesome natural amphitheaters, soaring rock sculptures, and tinted canyons full of juniper, aspen and pine. Discover the beautiful work of centuries of wind, water, and ice. We're sure this magnificently diverse display of natural grandeur will create an impression to last a lifetime.

Camping Highlights: We'll camp under the stars near the rim of Bryce Canyon, beneath the radiant cliffs of Zion, and within walking distance of the Grand Canyon's North Rim.

Your Itinerary

Day 1: Red Canyon - Bryce Canyon

From St. George we shuttle to Red Canyon for a hike through wind-sculpted bluffs and red rock formations. From our evening's lodging we take a short hike along Bryce's rim to soak up the sandstone colors during sunset's glow. (D).

Day 2: Bryce Canyon - Grand Canyon

A morning hike on the Fairyland trail in Bryce Canyon, amid radiant spires and soaring pinnacles, leads us on to the serene North Rim of the Grand Canyon to walk to scenic Bright Angel viewpoint where we witness a setting sun illuminating the vast chasm. (B/L/D).

Days 3-4: Grand Canyon

Two days of Grand Canyon exploration are spent hiking to hidden overlooks and descending into the canyon depths. Only one out of ten of the canyon's visitors experience the tranquility of the North Rim, making it an ideal spot to explore one of the seven natural wonders of the world. (B/L/D).

Days 5-6: Zion

Two days to soak up Zion's multi-hued cliffs, massive stone monoliths, and numerous trails. Walk through the Virgin River Narrows, enjoy an unparalleled view at Angels Landing, or choose a less strenuous hike to the tranquil Emerald Pools before returning to St. George. (B/L/D).
More Information Click Here

Grand Canyon Hiker

Theodore Roosevelt called the Grand Canyon "the one great sight which every American should see." And there is no better way to experience it than on foot, at a pace that invites exploration and awakens the senses. This imaginative adventure captures the splendor of the Grand Canyon's South Rim and its most revered tributary, Havasu Canyon - an isolated oasis of aquamarine waterfalls.

Inn Highlights: Our first three nights are spent at Yavapai Lodge, nestled within the pinyon and juniper woodlands, only a quarter mile from the rim of the Grand Canyon. Located in one of the most beautiful and remote corners of the Grand Canyon on the Havasupai Indian Reservation in Supai, Havasupai Lodge is accessible only by foot, horseback or helicopter.

Your Itinerary

Day 1: Grand Canyon

From our rendezvous in Flagstaff, we drive to the South Rim. Filled with anticipation, we walk to the canyon's edge. There, spread out for endless miles, is an ever-changing, colorful 5,000-foot-deep chasm. The canyon's immensity is awesome, its boldness overwhelming. (D).

Day 2: Grand Canyon

Up early, we catch a spectacular sunrise before descending into the heart of the canyon on the South Kaibab Trail. Experience the inspiring depth and timeless beauty of the Grand Canyon when you journey below the rim and take in the view from Cedar Ridge and Skeleton Point. (B/L/D).

Days 3-4: Grand Canyon - Havasu Canyon

Through a visual timetable of geologic formations, we continue on the historic Hermit Trail. We then depart for a three-day exploration of Havasu Canyon. Pack animals transport our gear, so we only have to carry a daypack to our remote Native American lodge in Supai village. (B/L/D).

Days 5-6: Havasu Canyon - Flagstaff

Havasu Canyon is an oasis of a clear running stream, lush vegetation and spectacular waterfalls. Enjoy a refreshing swim and revel in this Shangri-la-like setting, or continue downstream as the trail beckons. Bidding farewell to this canyon paradise, we hike back up to Haualapai Hilltop and a shuttle back to Flagstaff. (B/L/D).

Grand Canyon/Havasupai Hike

The 2d segment of the program visits the Havasupai Indian Reservation in Havasu Canyon, with an opportunity to visit the beautiful waterfalls of Havasu Creek as it plunges toward the Colorado River.

Your Itinerary

Day 1:
Group assembles in Flagstaff, AZ--van shuttle to the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.

Hike the West Rim Trail (3-5 miles).Orientation dinner and overnight lodging at the Maswik Lodge

Day 2:
Hike into the canyon along South Kaibab Trail to the Colorado River and on to Phantom Ranch.

(8 miles); overnight at Phantom Ranch
(B) (L) (D)

Day 3:
Hike from Phantom Ranch along the Colorado River and then climb from the Canyon to the South Rim along the Bright Angel Trail (10 miles); overnight at the Maswik Lodge (dinner at El Tovar)
(B) (L) (D)

Day 4:
Van shuttle to the Haulapai Hilltop; hike into Havasu Canyon to the Supai Village (8 miles);

overnight at Havasupai Lodge.
(B) (L) (D)

Day 5:
Hike to the waterfalls and swim in the pools at the base of the falls (Supai, Navajo, Havasu and Mooney Falls)(6 miles); overnight at the Havasupai Lodge.
(B) (L) (D)

Day 6:
Hike from the Supai Village to Hualapai Hilltop

(8 miles); van shuttle to Flagstaff; program concludes.
(B) (L)
More Information Click Here

Tour Guide for Spirit Adventures in USA

We are blessed with an abundance of outdoor activities that we can share with our guests. Your adventure vacation will include many of the following activities (weather permitting), but they vary week to week and by season. You can choose to be as active or as contemplative as you wish! These activities, except for skiing, are included in your weekly costs.

We also offer group and individual photography tours. We will guide you to some of the most beautiful, scenic, photographic and unusual places in Arizona - Sedona's red rock buttes, soaring bluffs and cliffs, the awesome Grand Canyon, gentle streams and rivers, picturesque lakes, ponderosa forests, wide and deep arroyos, mystical caves, lush canyons, towering mountains, ancient Indian ruins, old west towns, Native American ceremonies, horses and other wildlife. We have over twenty years' experience guiding special people to unique and out-of-the-way places. Arizona is a photographer's paradise!

Horseback Riding - Take an incredible ride through the beautiful area around Sedona on sure-footed horses and experience the feeling of the old west (for experienced riders only).

Cowboy Cookout - Enjoy a cowboy cookout BBQ dinner, complete with cowboy beans, biscuits and home-made pie. Then watch a great western show of foot-stompin music and hilarious fun.

River Rafting - Float the scenic Verde River through the lush Verde Valley. Catch sight of bald eagles, coyotes, javalina, deer, antelope, and perhaps a mountain lion. If the water level is too low on the river, we might enjoy some liesurely kayaking on beautiful Lake Watson, where the Calvary soldiers and local Indians watered their horses years ago.

Jeep Tours - Tour the awesome and spiritually magical red rocks and vortex of Sedona, retrace the steps of the early Native Americans, and enjoy an adventurous 4-wheeling ride.

Hiking - Hike through some of the most spectacular and beautiful scenery in the Southwest, such as Sedona's Oak Creek Canyon, or up Bell Rock, Doe Mesa or the Woodchute Trail.

Indian Ruins - Explore the thousand year old Anasazi or Sinaguan ruins in Walnut Canyon, Montezuma's Castle, or Tuzigoot.

Grand Canyon - One of the great natural and scenic wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon is over one mile (1.5km) deep and 10 miles (27km) wide, and it contains over 277 miles (420km) of the raging Colorado River. It offers some of the most incredible views and vistas found anywhere, and is just as beautiful in winter as in summer.

Skiing and Snow Shoeing - Both downhill and cross country skiing are available in winter (snow permitting) at Arizona Snow Bowl, near Flagstaff in the 12,633 ft San Francisco Peaks.

Evening Activities - Services and entertainment include massages, yoga or Tai Chi classes, stories of Native American cultures, healing sessions with the ancient Aborigine didgerido, stargazing, medicine wheel ceremonies, or just relaxing in the hot tub.
More Information Click Here

Grand Canyon Indian Gardens backpacking adventure

* Itinerary

- Day 1:
You are picked up at you South Rim Grand Canyon motel and after orientation go to the Bright Angel Trail where we hike down to Indian Gardens Campground. (L) (D)

- Day 2:
We leave our camp set as we day hike down the Bright Angel Trail to Pipe Creek Rapids on the Colorado River. We return to our camp at Indian Gardens for the evening. (B) (L) (D)

- Day 3:
We hike up the Bright Angel Trail to the rim at a relaxing pace enjoying views of the canyon along the way. (B) (L)
More info Click Here

Grand Canyon, South Bass to Boucher Trail backpacking adventure

Once considered the scenic heart of Grand Canyon, the South Bass Trail is now remote and little visited. We hike the second through fifth days on the Tonto Trail camping in Serpentine, Ruby, Turquoise, Sapphire, Agate, Slate, and Topaz Canyons, known as the Jewels. We hike out to the South Rim on the Boucher Trail

* Itinerary

- Day 1:
Meeting at the South Rim Village the first day we drive 2 hours west after breakfast to the trailhead and hike down onto the Esplanade for the first night’s camp. (L) (D)

- Day 2:
On the second day we continue down the South Bass Trail then east on the Tonto Trail camping in Ruby Canyon. (B) (L) (D)

- Day 3:
The third day is spent hiking east on the Tonto Trail. (B) (L) (D)

- Day 4:
We hike east on the Tonto Trail to Agate Canyon. (B) (L) (D)

- Day 5:
We continue eastward on the Tonto Trail to Boucher Creek where we camp and see Boucher Rapid on he Colorado River. (B) (L) (D)

- Day 6:
We hike up the Boucher Trail to the South Rim. (B) (L)
More Infoformation click here

9 Day Alaskan Adventure

Terrain: Mountainous singletrack
Duration: 9 days/8 nights
Distance: Biking: 140+ miles
Hiking: 40+ miles
Difficulty: singletrack experience & endurance required.
Dates: 2008 Custom dates available

Originally designed as a 10 day trip and still run each year as a training expedition for the British Royal Air Force. We redesigned this trip for the public. With up to 24 hours of daylight, opportunities are almost unlimited. Our 9 day expedition offers over 100 miles of riding and 40 miles of hiking a fantastic way to explore the Alaska wilderness. This tour is designed for the athletic beginner to advanced mountain biker/hiker.

This tour can be combined with white water rafting, kayaking, or ice climbing.

Tour Itinerary:

Day 1 - Eklutna Lake

Distance: 24 miles round trip
Gain: 225 feet
Ride time: 3-5 hours

This fun, scenic trail is a great introduction to Alaskan singletrack. Ride along the shore of this glacial fed lake, up to Serenity Falls where we will eat a healthy, hearty lunch at a mountaineering cabin. Be sure to bring your camera, as you will have plenty of opportunity while viewing the glacier to see moose, sheep and other wildlife.

Day 2 - Powerline Pass

Distance: 17 miles round trip
Gain: 2000 feet
Ride time: 3-5 hours

You'll spend your second day in "Anchorage's back yard" riding in the Chugach Mountains just above the city. We'll climb 2000 feet to Powerline Pass where we'll enjoy beautiful views of the city of Anchorage as we eat our lunch. When we start descending we'll take a side trail where we will gain an extra 1400 feet of downhill on some great singletrack.

Day 3 - Crescent Lake

Distance: 17 miles round trip
Gain: 1000 feet
Ride time: 3-5 hours

We will cycle steadily up a winding trail and through a valley to Crescent Lake, eventually looping back down on the same trail. The path will lead us through birch and aspen woods along a sparkling creek. Ascending a ridge, we will cross over the creek at mile 3.5, just beyond a major avalanche chute. At this point, the trail lies in the shadow of Right Mountain with views across the valley to Wrong Mountain-both peaks standing over 5,000 feet. The crescent-shaped lake will unexpectedly appear as we cycle back across the creek, where we will lunch along the shores of the lake. Bring your fishing gear: Crescent Lake is brimming with world-class grayling.

As we wind our way back, we will cruise through the valley. Descending the ridge, the outstanding trail conditions make for an exhilarating ride back to the trailhead. We will shuttle to base-camp for dinner, showers, and relaxation.

Day 4 - Russians Lakes

Distance: 23 miles one way
Gain: 950 feet
Ride time: 5-7 hours

The Upper Russian River trail-a section of the original Resurrection trail-is a great second day: 23 miles of single-track. The trail skirts the Harding Ice Field before dropping into the Russian River Valley. We will traverse a sub-alpine forest and fields of wildflowers, stopping for a leisurely lunch at mile twelve along the banks of the picturesque Upper Russian Lake.

We will continue our descent into the Russian River Valley, an area that was decimated by a wildfire in 1969. Here we will encounter the natural and extraordinary process of reforestation: a majesty of new growth interspersed with scarred forest remains. At mile twenty, we will briefly visit the Russian River Falls. Here, viewing decks allow an incredible view of sockeye salmon successfully ascending a series of forty-foot falls on their way to their instinctive spawning grounds.

Day 5 - Lost Lake, Primrose Hike

Distance: 15 miles one way
Gain: 2000 feet
Hiking time: 8-10 hours

The Lost Lake Trail is a beauty, with great views of the Kenai Mountains and Resurrection Bay, wildflower meadows, subalpine groves of mountain hemlock, and salmonberries and blueberries for the picking. Lost Lake is an alpine lake two miles long, set at the edge of a huge expanse of alpine country.

Day 6 - Excursion of your choice

Today we will rest our legs for day seven’s challenging ride on Johnson's Pass.

We will start our day early and travel to the nearby coastal town of Seward here you'll have your choice of 3 premiere day trips: The Kenai Fjords Cruise, Kenai Fjords sea-kayaking, or, stay on solid ground and visit the Seward Marine Sea-life Center.

For the strong riders who would prefer to ride this day, depending on weather and trail conditions, there are many riding options we can suggest.

The first two popular tours offer the maximum opportunity for seeing whales, sea lions, otters, and colorful seabirds playing and feeding. In addition you can experience the splendor of a massive tidewater glacier calving to the sea and the stunning beauty of the glacially carved cliffs.

After your day tour we will have the afternoon to explore this charming town. Your guides will point out attractions including the Alaska Sea Life Center and Mount Marathon, location of Seward's famous Fourth of July mountain race. Dinner this evening will be on your own. Your guides will assist and point out the more popular eateries in Seward.

Day 7 - Johnson Pass

Distance: 23 miles one way
Gain: 1500 feet
Ride time: 4-7 hours

Ask any mountain biker in Alaska: this demanding single-track ride is a favorite. The memorable trail passes through parts of the original Iditarod Trail, built during Alaska's historic gold rush era.

Our ride begins along the shores of Upper Trail Lake then parallels Johnson Creek. At mile seven we will cross the creek and continue to Johnson Lake, a sub-alpine and partially forested area that abounds in wildlife viewing opportunities. We will lunch here before continuing up to the summit of Johnson Pass at mile 13.

A quick descent takes us to the alpine beauty of pristine Bench Lake. Brace yourself for a roller-coaster ride as we sprint through mountain meadows and lush forests crossing over several creeks. At mile 19 we will take a break to admire the splendor of a beautiful waterfall cascading over tall cliffs. From there we will finish the day on a level course. The shuttle van will be waiting at the trailhead to take us back along the scenic Seward highway to Palmer.

Day 8 - Explore Independence Mine & hike to original high camp

Distance: 23 miles one way
Gain: 1500 feet
Hike time: 4-7hours

Hike over the mountain pass to Alaska’s gold rush era, witness abandoned gold mines, alpine lakes and a panorama of all the of our tours mountain ranges: the Alaska Range, the Talkeetna Range and the Chugach Range.

Day 9 - Bomber Glacier via Reed Lakes

Distance: 10 miles one way
Gain: 2200 feet
Hike time: 8-12 hours

Weather permitting, we will hike to this rarely seen B 29 Bomber that crash landed on the glacier over 50 years ago.

The Reed Lakes Trail leads into the heart of the Talkeetna Mountains, a wild land of jagged granite peaks, rock walls, glaciers, and cirque lakes. The trail makes for a great long day hike look for alpine wildflowers, tundra-nesting birds, arctic ground squirrels, and marmots if energy and weather permit hike to the rarely seen B 29 Bomber that crash landed on the glacier over 50 years ago.

*Tour includes all fees and permits into National Parks, all transfers, bike rental and first and last night hotel in Anchorage, does not include the cost of fifth day excursion in Seward or alcohol.
More Info Click Here

10 Days / 9 nights - Botswana Explorer -Mobile Camping Safari

This safari travels with a maximum of seven guests in a specially customized 4x4 safari vehicle, and accompanied by an expert safari guide throughout.

Tour Itinerary:

Our 10 Day Botswana Camping safari (8 nights comfort mobile safari with 1 night hotel accommodation) is a Comfort Mobile Safari in secluded, exclusive bush camps situated in the famous Botswana Reserves and National Parks.

A safari crew pre-erects the comfortable camp. A professional safari guide conducts early morning and late afternoon game drives.


On arrival in Maun we are hosted at a local restaurant for a light lunch. An air transfer then takes us from Maun into Moremi where we are met by our guide for a short transfer to our pre-erected secluded bush camp. After a sunset game drive and a delicious three-course dinner, the sounds of the African night are enjoyed. (Light Lunch & Dinner).

The channels and waterways of the Okavango Delta are explored on a mokoro excursion with lunch being enjoyed on an island. We make our way back to our camp with an afternoon game drive, taking in the changing colors of an African sunset. (All meals).

After breakfast, our safari crew expertly moves our exclusive camp to the Khwai floodplains, while we continue to explore the reserve with our guide. Enjoying early morning and late afternoon game drives, we uncover the secrets of this pristine wilderness area in search of the many species of animal and birdlife that make Moremi their home. (All meals).

Continuing overland through the National Parks we visit the dry Savute Marsh and Savute channel, famous for its abundance of large predators.
This amazing area and its waterholes are uncovered during our early morning and late afternoon game drives with our guide. (All meals).

DAY 7/8: CHOBE RIVER - CHOBE NATIONAL PARK After 2 nights at the Savute Channel, we travel north and install our bush camp near the Chobe River. Chobe is famous for its beautiful scenery and magnificent sunsets, with the largest elephant population in Africa living in the region. We may witness huge herds during our game drives and an unforgettable game viewing cruise on the Chobe River.
Comfort Mobile Safari. (All meals).

Our safari culminates at Livingstone near the Victoria Falls - without doubt one of the greatest and most unforgettable spectacles on earth.
Time at leisure to enjoy the many optional activities on offer including scenic flights, micro lighting, elephant back riding etc. and a visit to the Falls (own expense). Natural Mystic Lodge (or similar accommodation).(Breakfast & dinner).
Lunch on day 9 own expense).

DAY 10: LIVINGSTONE / VICTORIA FALLS – depart for Johannesburg
After breakfast we transfer to the airport where the safari ends.
(Breakfast only).
More info Clik Here

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Lowongan Kerja - Management Trainee

Due to the rapid growth of our business, currently we are inviting individuals with great ambitions to work together with us for this great opportunities, as our :

a.. Aggressive, confidence, and smart -- 20 to 56 years of age.
b.. Knows how to sale product -- House-wifes and retired personnel are also welcome.
c.. Target Achievers -- good team players as is able to work independently.
d.. Possess good communication skills, and exhibits strong interpersonal skills.
e.. Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
f.. High School (S.M.U.) graduate are encouraged to apply.
g.. Prefer those with background in Insurances, MLM, Sales, Marketing, Credit Card, Telemarketing and other sales experiences.
Please submit your complete Resume and recent photograph through this e-mail: agus.pranata@ jalatama. co.id for the attention of Mr. A.P.Budiman or SMS Only to: +62-819-05103575 - not later than 25th of MAY 2008. Application letters in Bahasa Indonesia will also be accepted.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted by phone for the interview.

Lowongan Kerja - Programming Manager

Focused in Exporting Industry.
Looking for: IT / Programming Manager
1. Have experience with Microsoft Navision software
2. Minimum Bachelor Degree
3. Strong Leadership
4. Maximum 40 years old
5. Fluent in English
6. Will be placed in Central Java
We offering best remuneration based on the competency.
Please submit your resume to: jeni.kristin@ yahoo.com
only the short listed candidate will be contacted.

Jumat, 16 Mei 2008

Lowongan Kerja - Accounting Manager - Beiersdorf Indonesia

Beiersdorf Indonesia (www.beiersdorf. com), a multinational company which produce Nivea & Hansaplast is seeking for :

Regional Sales Manager East (RSME - BDF)
Ø Bachelor Degree in any discipline
Ø 5 years experience in similar area in FMCG.
Ø Will be based in Surabaya.
Ø Excellent in negotiation skill & Presentation Skill.
Ø Fluent in English is a must

Key Account Manager (KAM - BDF)
Ø Bachelor Degree in any discipline
Ø 5 years experience in similar area in FMCG.
Ø Excellent in negotiation skill & Presentation Skill.
Ø Fluent in English is a must

Accounting Manager (AccM - BDF)
Ø Bachelor Degree in related discipline
Ø 8 years experience in similar area in FMCG.
Ø Fluent in English is a must

Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph to : cons-goods@sintesa- resourcing. com
Please put the position applied RSME-BDF / KAM-BDF / AccM-BDF on the subject line. Only short listed candidates will be notified.

Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

Yang harus diperhatikan Pelamar Kerja

Kemaren pagi aku melihat tayangan di salah satu stasiun televisi tentang hal apa yang pertama kali dilihat oleh HRD dalam seleksi pelamar kerja :
1. Foto pelamar
2. Pengalaman Kerja Pelamar
3. Nilai Tambah Yang dimiliki pelamar untuk perusahaan.
Jadi, dengan 3 hal itu, kita sebagai pelamar kerja dapat menuliskan Surat Lamaran atau CV yang sesuai dengan pertimbangan-pertimbangan diatas.
1. Buatlah Foto yang menarik untuk lamaran kerja
2. Berikan penjelasan mengenai pengalaman kerja anda yang sesuai dengan bidang yang dibutuhkan perusahaan.
3. Berikan masukan mengenai skill, knowledge, ataupun attitude anda yang merupakan kelebihan anda dan membedakan anda dari orang lain.
Semoga ada manfaatnya!

Lowongan Kerja PT. Bumitama Gunajaya Agro

PT. Bumitama Gunajaya Agro adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pengelolaan kelapa sawit lokal, memberi kesempatan kepada freshgraduate atau profesional yang pengalaman di bawah 1 tahun untuk menjadi

1. Pria,maks 26 tahun
2. S1 Akuntansi
3. Bersedia mengikuti pelatihan
4.Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh area perkebunan BGA Plantation Group.

Kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV lengkap dengan mencantumkan kode posisi
di sudut kiri atas amplop ke:
PO BOX 6148, JKSGN JKT 12061
atau email ke
recruitment@ bumitama. com
sebelum tanggal 27 Mei 2008


Dibutuhkan Segera :

1. Maintenance (Teknisi)

Syarat - syarat :
1. Berpengalaman di bidang maintenance/ teknisi mesin industri meuble dan pernah bekerja sebagai Maintenance minimal 2 tahun.
2. Mengerti tentang perlistrikan dan Menguasai mesin mesin industri meuble 1-3 phase (pertukangan) serta perawatannya.
3. Berdedikasi tinggi dan dapat bekerja sama secara tim.

1. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris, Pasif dan Aktif
2. Menguasai Internet, Email, Browsing, Chatting
3. Mampu bekerja dengan baik secara mandiri maupun dalam tim.
4. Fast learner, Solution oriented, Hardworking
5. Akan bertugas untuk mengelola website e-commerce perusahaan, melakukan penawaran lewat email, menindaklanjuti inquiry yang masuk, mengupload product di website.

C.V Dikirim ke :
Jln. Raya Ngabul Km.8 tahunan
jepara 59428

Informasi : 0291596453, 454
Yuli Kusdiyanto
(setiap jam kerja)
Close date 24 mei 2008


Dibutuhkan segera STAFF ENGINEER di perusahaan IT, dengan syarat sebagai berikut :
1. Pendidikan minimum D3 Elektro/TI
2. Mengerti dasar-dasar Elektronika
3. Minimal punya pengalaman Trouble shotting printer,Server
4. Bersedia melakukan travelling
5. Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
6. Mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik

Kirim lamaran melalui pos atau email sebelum tanggal 20 Mei 2008, ke :
JL. Galur Sari Timur Raya No.02
Utankayu Selatan, Jakarta Timur
Telp : 021-8507865, 85905525, 8569907
Email : Dewadaru@cbn. net.id


Job Career Vacancy opportunity (Informasi Lowongan Lamaran Peluang kerja karir pekerjaan terbaru):
Berlaku : 1 April 2008 - 15 Juni 2008 (2.5 Bulan)
Jurusan Sistem Informasi Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Surabaya adalah Jurusan yang berada di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri terkemuka di Indonesia Timur dengan mahasiswa lebih dari 15.000 orang, membuka lowongan seluas-luasnya bagi putra putri terbaik bangsa untuk mengabdi di bidang pendidikan tinggi sebagai tenaga pengajar(dosen) honorer FULL TIME.

a. Lulus dari S1 dari Sistem Informasi/Manajemen Informatika, Teknik Informatika/ Ilmu komputer, Teknologi Informasi
b. Lulus S1 dari perguruan tinggi ternama dalam negeri(berakreditas i A) atau luar negeri
c. IPK >= 3
d. TOEFL Score >=500 (institutional Toefl is welcome)
e. Berdedikasi dan berkomitmen tinggi terhadap dunia pendidikan
f. Jika masih memegang ijazah S1, bersedia melanjutkan studi S2 di bidang Sistem Informasi,
g. Lebih disukai sudah atau sedang melanjutkan S2.
h. Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman kerja.
i. Lebih disukai memiliki sertifikasi internasional (CISA, PMP, SCJP, MCP, OCP, dsb).

Surat Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke :
Yth. Ketua Jurusan Sistem Informasi
d.a Bagian Tata Usaha Jurusan Sistem Informasi
Gedung Fakultas Teknologi Informasi (FTIF) Lt 2
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya Kodepos 60111
dengan dilampiri:
a. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
b. Copy Ijazah
c. Copy Transkrip Akademik
d. Sertifikasi TOEFL
e. Foto 4×6 (1 Lembar)
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil.

Lowongan Kerja Tentor di English made easy

- What are you doing to do with it?
- Do you believe that you can CHANGE people's life with your English?
- Do you know that teaching should be a balance between fun and a sense of achlevement?
- Do you believe that you can explore and CREATE new ways of teaching English?
- Do you know that if you LOVE you job becomes a hobby?
- (and this hobby pays)

Do you want to give teaching
Send / bring your complete application, curriculum vitae (in English),
phone number and one 4x6 cm color picture NOW to :
General Manager
English made easy
Jl. Perumnas E19
Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. 0274-487489
Mobile 081328070297
Email : englishmadeasy@ yahoo.com
This vacancy is closed on May 19, 2008

Rabu, 14 Mei 2008


A Fast-growing Food Production Company in for young , potential & hard working people for the following positions :

1. Finance Clerk
• Able to make financial reports (Cash Flows report, Account Payable, Account Receivable, AR journal)
• Hard worker, honest, discipline, in the team or independently
• Good command in English
• Computer Literate (Ms.Word, Ms.Excel)

2. Advertisement &Promotion Officer
Min. Bachelor Degree from Any Major
Good command of English
Result oriented, independent and fast worker
Good interpersonal skill, strong sense of responsibility
Ability to direct and plan promotion strategy to communicate the
company's desired positioning as required

Requirements :
Minimum S1 from reputable university
Good English communication skill
Must have common sense
Negotiation skill required
Nice personality and well-mannered
Please send your applicaton letter, CV and Photograph
to :hrd.topmanag@ yahoo.com

Lowongan Kerja -

Lowongan Kerja - PT. KALTIM PRIMA COAL

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) operates a coal mine in Sangatta, East Kalimantan , and is one of the largest export coal mines in the world. Coal production in 2008 will be around 43 million tonnes with significant further expansion planned in the years to come.

Opportunities exist for new graduates (year of graduation: 2006-2008) to join KPC for the following positions:
v GRADUATE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING (code: GT) – disciplines acceptable: Civil Engineering/ Geotechnical, Geology, Mining Engineering
v GRADUATE MARKETING (code: MK) – from Economics, Mining Engineering, Science and other related disciplines
v GRADUATE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (code: HR) – from Information Technology, Management and Law

· Hold an S1 degree in the disciplines indicated above.
· Be not older than 27 years of age in the year of admittance.
· Possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 grade scale.
· Pass psychological test.
· Pass technical test.
· Be proficient in English (minimum at Intermediate level).
· Pass medical test.

Those waiting for graduation in July 2008 are welcome to apply.
Send your resume, copy of S1 certificate and copy of academic transcript to:
Electronic file (max size 500KB) GDP@kpc.co.id
or hard copy
Manager Learning and Development
M1 Building, KPC Mine Site
Sengata 75611 East Kalimantan
Write GDP and discipline code in the subject line.
Closing date: 21 May 2008.